

日期:2014-10-12     点击数:     来源 : 
2014年8月10日至15日,课题组成员王秋旺教授、曾敏教授与杨建锋博士生赴日本京都参加了IHTC-15The 15th International Heat Transfer Conferece)国际会议。此次会议由国际传热会议组织AIHTCThe Assembly for International Heat Transfer Conferences)主办,由日本科学协会(Science Council of Japan)和日本传热学会(The Heat Transfer Society of Japan)承办。IHTC系列会议,每四年举行一次。会议期间,宣读了两篇会议论文,并与国际同行进行了广泛深入地交流和研讨。

[1] Jian-Feng Yang, Min Zeng, Gui-Dong Chen, Qiu-Wang Wang. Maximal velocity ratio design method for shell-and-tube heat exchangers with continuous helical baffles. The 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 10-15, 2014, Kyoto, Japan.
[2] Xiang-Yang Xu, Ting Ma, Lei Li, Min Zeng, Qiu-Wang Wang, Yi-Tung Chen. Thermal-hydraulic performance of a printed circuit heat exchanger in a co2-h2o heat exchange process under different mass flow rates. The 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 10-15, 2014, Kyoto, Japan.

The International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC), nicknamed the “Heat Transfer Olympic,” is the world’s premier conference for scientists and engineers in the heat and mass transfer research community, who convene every four year to exchange the latest information. It is the continuation of the successful IHTC series of conferences that have now run for 60 years. 1951 London (Atlantic City), 1961 Boulder, 1962 London, 1966 Chicago, 1970 Paris Versailles, 1974 Tokyo, 1978 Toronto, 1982 München, 1986 San Francisco, 1990 Jerusalem, 1994 Brighton, 1998 Kyongju, 2002 Grenoble, 2006 Sydney, 2010 Washington, 2014 Kyoto. The IHTC-16 will be hold in Beijing. Themes for IHTC-15 include, but are not limited to:
Air conditioning and refrigeration